304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Hero High-end Manager Chair

Hero is a stylistic office chair featuring a bionic shark-inspired design – a symbol of bravery, vitality and persistence. The shark-fin-shaped lumbar support, the golden-triangular-cut electroplated armrest and the folding body lines give it a unique combination of flexibility and strength.

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Golden Section Ratio
The armrest of Hero adopts a golden section ratio to present the most appealing visual effect, while the cross-section angle makes the armrest more flexible and harmonious.
Make A Colorful Statement
Diversified colour schemes of leather and fabric allow you to make personal selections and build a work environment perfectly tailored to your business.
Options For Your Preference
This chair is available in both thick and thin options. You can choose what you want based on your sitting habits. With a BIFMA test certificate, Hero is ready to offer you sturdy comfort for all-day support.


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